The World Health Organization (WHO) has a shaky history of conflict of interest and falsifying scientific studies when it comes to cellular phones. One such study performed by Dr. Michael Repacholi, Coordinator of the WHO’s Radiation and Environmental Health Unit, attempted to understand the connection between cell phones and cancer. In an interview, Repacholi said he simply couldn’t find any association. In 2005, and it was discovered that Repacholi was going against WHO policies in accepting money from the cellular phone industries with the sole purpose of creating confusion among the public about EMF radiation and cancer. He was receiving “$150,000 a year directly from the cellular phone industry with additional money for meetings and travels.”1 After his conflict of interest was discovered, he retired from the WHO and was hired as an industry consultant for cellular phone companies.
These WHO policies, however, have never stopped the cellular or energy industries from getting in bed with WHO employees. The telecom/energy controlled industries, such as the ICNIRP and IEEE, dominate the WHO, not health experts!
A recent study released in September 2024 from the WHO claims that: “exposure to RF from mobile phone use likely does not increase the risk of brain cancer, RF from broadcasting antennas or base stations likely does not increase the risk of childhood cancer,” and that “occupational exposure to RF may not increase the risk of brain cancer.“2
The International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF), a non-profit group of doctors and scientists, criticized this study this study claiming:
“We disagree with that conclusion because the Karipidis et al. (2024) review does not provide a scientifically valid assessment of the evidence on the risk of these tumors associated with use of mobile phones or other wireless devices, due to critical methodological flaws.“3
These scientists bring into question various points, claiming it is “a hypothesis with no scientific justification.“3 The WHO’s study contained:
- biased controls’ selection
- over-representation of cell phone users compared to the general population
- systematic underestimation of the actual strength of association between RF-EMF exposure and cancers
- lacked information on level of mobile-phone use and there were several potential sources of misclassification of exposure
- had poor exposure assessment
- suffered from high participant attrition and was underpowered
- use complex biostatistical models – for which critical information is not provided
- +more
“Although Karipidis and his co-authors declared no competing interests, it should be noted that some of them had linkages to the telecommunications industry and/or were members of ICNIRP, a self-selected organization that promotes its own RF-EMF radiation protection guidelines based on self-referencing authorships.”3
There are thousands of scientific studies showing the harmful effects of EMF and RF radiation dating back over eighty years. Some of these studies were performed by the USA Air Force and US Navy. By claiming that there are no competing studies casts doubt and confusion onto the populations. The Environmental Health Trust is one such industry that has also criticized this study. “They ignore the growing number of experimental studies in animal and human cell cultures, and in whole animals using state of the art methods such as the National Toxicology Program, which found ‘clear evidence’ of cancer in animals when tested and exposed to levels of cell phone radiation that people can encounter today.”4
The WHO, controlled by the clean energy and telecom industries, are worse than Big Tobacco and the asbestos industries when it comes to falsifying science and the harms of their products. This has been going on for decades. The clean energy/telecom industries are more powerful and more harmful than tobacco and asbestos. We must be cautious to examine who are funding studies and seek out science from independent organizations such as Environmental Health Trust.